Years of deceit and betrayal
by failed
Never stay for the kid’s sake! My husband of twenty years drained the life out of me after so many years of lies, deceit, and betrayal. He wouldn’t work, promised to change, and had his first affair with my sister. When I told him I was filing for a divorce he said I would destroy our son, so I stayed. This year my son turned 18 and graduates in the summer.
My so-called husband left one week before Christmas, took all the money while I’m unemployed till March. He moved in with his girlfriend and wants me to agree to an uncontested divorce as long as I agree that he will pay a small amount to my son. The worst mistake I ever made was not filing when I had the money. He left us nothing. Oh and he stayed to avoid child support once he got a good job!
I committed my life to my son and my marriage, but I told him after ten years of adultery and him being engaged to a coworker that I had enough. I didn’t find out about any of the adultery for ten years! He couldn’t have wanted for anything. I worked so hard until it nearly broke my body. No, I’m not stupid. If I didn’t feed my son, who would? Bills had to be paid. But I kept thinking will my son blame me? And he wasn’t even there for my son!
I’m telling you, don’t be like me! File for divorce and be done with it. You’re hurting your kids by staying. I know he is a habitual liar and I think he has a sickness of denial. Watch the signs. He could have murdered me and more justice would be done for the years he has taken from us. I pray for forgiveness for myself so I can someday stop the hate keeping me alive. It’s not worth it... get out!