Facebook obsession
by Tom
Innocently connecting with friends online can turn into a Facebook obsession for some people. The number of people who use the internet has mushroomed over the years, opening the door for online affairs and relationships that probably wouldn’t have even started in the off-line world. Unfortunately, this type of behavior is becoming more common as the world becomes more connected.
I gave my wife a new (faster) computer for Christmas. With the new computer she was able to set us both up Facebook profiles to keep in touch with distant family members. I didn't use mine much, but she was hooked. She joined some groups when her favorite rock star died, eventually starting a memorial page. She changed her user name, un-friended me and all other family members and began spending up to 18 hours a day on-line.
She is a housewife and we have 3 young children. Everyone suffers because of her obsession. The final straw was the on-line affairs. She has an ongoing relationship with a man in Poland who claims to be this dead rock star (he has faked his death in the past), and one other from Brazil who "sends her orgasms telepathically". Possibly the deepest cut is that when confronted with all of this, she denies any wrong-doing. She doesn't deny any of it, just denies that it is wrong!!!
We have not divorced yet, but I honestly don't see any other ending to this marriage. I have given her 13 years of love (deeper than I thought possible) and unwavering devotion. I still love her with all my heart (at least the part that hasn't been ripped out), but this is not good for me or my children.
Have you been affected by an online affair and how did it affect your marriage? Do you have any suggestions on how to save this marriage? Share your thoughts by clicking the link below.