Free Budget Worksheets to Help Manage Your Money
These printable free budget worksheets can help you determine where your money is coming from and where it is going.
By Tracy Achen
While it may take a little time to fill out, but once you get it down on paper, you will be able to see where you can cut back. It sometimes helps to have your old check registers, as well as last year's state and federal income tax returns on hand to help you fill out some of the sections.
Getting all your information together in one place will make keeping track of future income and expenses a lot easier. For an on-going way to keep track of your budget you might consider using something like Quicken or Mint.
Income Worksheet
Monthly Gross Income
Total For Section
Salary and wages Bonuses and Fringe Benefits Child Support Alimony Social Security Retirement Income Disability Payments Unemployment Worker’s Comp AFDC Dividends Interest Income Business Income Rental Income Other income
$__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________
Total Gross Income
(copy this number to the right)
Deductions From Income Taxes
Health Ins.
Other Deductions
Total Deductions
(copy this number to the right)
Total Gross Income
(minus) Total Deductions
$__________ -$__________
Monthly Available
= $__________
(copy this number to the right)
Expense Worksheet
When filling out this free budget worksheet, if an expense is incurred less often than monthly, convert it to a monthly amount when calculating the monthly budget amount. For example, if an item occurs only once a year, divide the amount by twelve to get the monthly amount. Just be sure to allocate money from your income to cover that expense when it happens.
Total For Section
Mortgage Home Insurance Property Taxes
Repairs Rent Renters Insurance
Lawn Care & Services
Total Housing Expenses
(copy this number to the right)
Gas Electric Phone Cable Water
Trash Sewer Internet Cell Phone Storage Fees
Total Utilities
(copy this number to the right)
$________ Utilities
School Tuition School Lunches School Supplies
Tutoring Team Fees School Photos Allowances
Camps Recreation Sports Fees Babysitting Daycare Diapers
Formula Child Support
Total Child Expense
(copy this number to the right)
$________ Children
Bank Fees Check Printing Fees Safety Deposit Fees
Spending Cash Bank Loan #1 Bank Loan #2
Student Loans
Auto Loans Credit Card #1 Credit Card #2 Credit Card #3 Credit Card #4 Other
Total Financial Expenses
(copy this number to the right)
License Renewal Gasoline Auto Insurance Tires
Maintenance/Oil Changes Tolls Taxi Bus Fare
Total Transportation
(copy this number to the right)
$________ Transport
Doctor Dental Eye Care Annual Physical
Prescriptions Glasses Health Insurance Life Insurance
Total Health Expenses
(copy this number to the right)
Household /Pets
Groceries Cleaning Goods Office Supply
Pet Care Pet Boarding Vaccinations Supplies
Total House Expenses
(copy this number to the right)
Holidays Birthdays Weddings
Graduations General Cards Christmas Cards Wrapping Supplies
Total Gift Expenses
(copy this number to the right)
Eating Out Clothing Haircuts Nails Salon Charities Club Dues Entertainment
Movies Hobbies Magazines Newspapers Dues/memberships Other
Total Personal Expenses
(copy this number to the right)
Calculating Total Expenses on your free budget
Total Monthly
Housing Utilities Children
Financial Transportation Health
Household Gifts Personal
Total Monthly Expenses
(copy this number to the right)
Is Your Budget Balanced?
To find out where you stand, subtract your total monthly expenses from your total monthly available income. If you come up with a negative number, you will need to work on cutting back on expenses.
By Tracy Achen, author of Divorce 101.
In addition to the free budget worksheets above, the following articles can help you get your budget in line:
Managing Your Money
Free Budget Worksheets